De Winkel yoghurt is made with Lactobacillus acidophilus cultures. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a probiotic culture that provides good bacteria to the gut, helping to support inner balance
Yes, this yoghurt range is unsweetened and contains natural sugars only, coming from milk ingredients. We also have a culture that provides a slightly more tart flavour profile than in other yoghurts.
Yes. All yoghurts in the De Winkel range are gluten free.
Yes, De Winkel is made using milk but no other animal products are used.
Yes. De Winkel has no artificial flavours or colours, no gluten, gelatine or preservatives.
Yes, De Winkel is made using milk but no other animal products, including gelatine, are used.
Like most dairy products, De Winkel yoghurt is best enjoyed well chilled from the refrigerator and freezing is not recommended. It may be possible to freeze De Winkel however it can destroy the great creamy texture of the yoghurt.
You can use De Winkel Unsweetened Yoghurt in the same way as you would use any yoghurt in a recipe. Add yoghurt to cooked dishes at the end of the heating process. Adding the yoghurt before the heating process can cause the yoghurt to separate or curdle. Try adding a dollop of De Winkel Yoghurt to your favourite curry dish with diced cucumber. Add to fish dishes with finely chopped dill – delicious! Finish off your favourite fruit salad with a generous dollop of De Winkel Unsweetened Yoghurt.
Yes, this is completely natural and occurs in yoghurts that are not stabilised with starches and gums. It is natural whey separating from the yoghurt once the curd (yoghurt) is disturbed. Simply stir the yoghurt well, to recombine the curds and whey.
We are investigating ways to address these concerns, however it is fairly complex and will take some time to address.