Monthly Gardening Guide
Gardens can be hard work to maintain, and the impact that various seasons have on garden growth and maintenance differs.
Thanks to our friends at Palmers, we’ve collated links to the Gardening Guide resources on their website, and provided you with an overview of what to focus on for each month of the year.
Reap the rewards of your efforts as you enjoy harvesting fruit and vegetables, picking flowers or just enjoying the abundance of colour and growth of all of your plants.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s January Monthly Checklist.
Maintenance of your late summer garden is high on the to-do list, but first preparation of your winter gardens can begin. With plenty to harvest from your kitchen garden, it’s time to freeze and preserve all the fruits of your labour ready for the cooler months. Watering, weeding, mulching and feeding are the most productive garden jobs to accomplish this month.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s February Monthly Checklist.
As the first signs of summer flowers and vegetables begin to wane, it’s time to plan and prepare your autumn and winter garden. In dry areas you still need to water regularly to get the best out of your late summer garden. Autumn is natures planting time as the ground is still warm and the first rain helps new plants, trees and lawns get established.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s March Monthly Checklist.
As the cooler months settle in, now is your last chance to get your winter vege garden underway, plant your bulbs for spring flowering and establish or repair your lawn. Sheep pellets are New Zealand’s best selling all-purpose fertiliser to improve plant and soil condition. Dig in now to both your vege and flower garden.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s April Monthly Checklist.
As the last leaves of autumn fall, now is the time to protect your garden from frosts and harvest the ever classic Feijoa for warm winter crumbles.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s May Monthly Checklist.
New seasons fruit trees and roses start to arrive in store this month so it’s a great time to prepare the garden and head into Palmers to see the new season’s range.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s June Monthly Checklist.
July is a great month to prepare your soil for planting vegetable and flower plants in spring. Winter planting continues as many seasonal favourites like roses, fruit trees and camellias become available in store.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s July Monthly Checklist.
Spring is just around the corner! It’s a great time to get the garden tools out of the shed and get a head start on planning and creating your fabulous spring garden.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s August Monthly Checklist.
As the soil warms up, spring bulbs and plants begin to flower and sprout their fresh new spring growth. It’s time to get stuck in and plant all your favourite spring/summer flowers and get your vegetable garden underway.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s September Monthly Checklist.
This is one of the most exciting gardening months on the calendar! It is the traditional time to plant tomatoes and vegetables, and with the temperature rising all garden plants start springing to life.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s October Monthly Checklist.
This month offers garden abundance as spring moves into summer. The days are getting longer which gives gardeners more time to enjoy their home patch.
Follow this link for the Palmer’s November Monthly Checklist.
Gardeners should be working towards harvesting and garden displays for Christmas enjoyment. As holiday mode takes hold, enjoy relaxing evenings in the garden with a hose in one hand and a drink in the other!
Follow this link for the Palmer’s December Monthly Checklist.
Special thanks to Palmers for helping us put this guide together